On February 16, we visited Google’s offices in Tel-Aviv!
The girls were very excited for this visit as they were preparing themselves for the Hackathon the following week, and the Google visit was the best preparation!
We started our day on Google Campus for Start-ups with a healthy breakfast and two very interesting lectures. The first was about Google using AI to identify and predict floods to help save people’s lives. The second lecture discussed the impact Google makes on the world.
Following the lectures, we had a panel with four speakers from different backgrounds and different responsibilities in Google to answer all of the girls’ questions. Our girls asked about the difficulties and challenges they faced, about choosing to change course mid-journey and even about family-career balance!
Even after the panel concluded, the girls stayed extra time and asked the panellists more questions. We have the most serious girls in the country ;)
A quick lunch break, and then we divided into three different groups of Arabs and Jews. We walked to Google’s offices at Electra Tower’s 12th floor, with great panoramic views, and each group began the “I Am Remarkable” workshop!
“I Am Remarkable” is an empowerment workshop delivered by senior women working in Google!
It was so exciting to hear the girls’ answers, the ones we loved the most were:
“I Am Remarkable because I am a girl” and “I Am Remarkable because I am me”.
We have the most Remarkable girls in the country, that’s for sure!
Before we continued, we had to rock Google’s offices with a traditional Arab dance called - Dabke!! A quick lesson to all of our Jewish girls and there we go! 20 girls holding hands dancing Dabke together in the offices of Google TLV! Remarkable or what?
We regrouped, and then divided into two different groups - one doing a tour in Google’s offices while the other working on their ideas for our Hackathon with Google’s mentors!
After 30 minutes - the groups switched and after they were all done, we joined back together for the most important part of the day - the PRESENTATION!!!
Each group has only 1 minute to present its idea in front of Google’s mentors and the other groups. Stressful? Exciting? You’ll have to ask our girls. Either way, they killed it.
And now - all of the girls know each other's ideas and the competition is lit!
What will happen on Thursday? Stay tuned!